
Architectural Coatings Expressive and Durable

It is developed to present a higher value to buildings by offering more refined functions and colorfulness to our daily spaces
with beautiful colors. With the leading technological prowess, our eco-friendly coatings with excellent durability can extend
the buildings’ life and enable people to use them safely.

KS-WEI 수상배너 KS-QEI 수상배너 K-BPI 수상배너
Easy and Safe to Use

Interior Coatings

It is a paint that anyone can use easily and safely.
Each product has its own specialized functions, so you can make your space decorated safer and special.

Interior Coatings
  • Anyone

    Anyone can use it easily and
    it has a low odor.

  • Acquisition of an

    Make our family live in a
    much safer space.

  • Exceptionalness

    Make our space more special with the
    specialized functions of each product.

Total number of contents 574

고급형 특수 에멀젼 수지를 사용한 친환경 수성 페인트

  • Purpose
  • Features
  • Dimensions
  • How to Use
Color Data
You can find out more about KCC’s color data.
Calculate the Amount of Paint
If you enter an area, the amount of paint needed is calculated.